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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a…Up!

Updated: Jan 10, 2019

Lately, the gram stories are all about people by the beach or next to the blue vacation water with a book in their hands. For all we know they bought it just to take that one perfect picture. Otherwise, a variety of book reading must have been done on these vacations but the most popular book that is doing rounds on these ‘hard to beat’ and ‘impossible to resist’ pictures is, ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.’ Now here is a disclaimer, I haven’t read the book. Reading it might be putting myself in a Catch 22 situation. If I decide to read it, means I do give a f*ck and that would be one of the biggest lies I will be telling myself and you 2, 3 or 4 readers. How many people read my article anyways? haha

Zero F*cks Given

Meanwhile, with the b*tchy heat striking the already humid Mumbai (ouch why am I subtly abusing through this article), I am working on my subtle art of not giving UP. Every time, I face this heat, in my brain I go through a constant checklist of why am I in Mumbai doing things I do. It also includes thoughts like what I would be doing if I was settled in Leh. Besides taking gram worthy pictures and reading books like ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,’ but this time between the cool breeze, mountains and some hot chai. Cut to me creating the same environment in my house, with relaxing music playing in the background, AC on 18 degrees and comfort on 100 while typing this article from my not so glorious bed. 

There are several times one wants to give up. In relationships, work tasks, running, lifting weights, reading a book, working on a piece of art or even making a meal in the kitchen (the later would mostly be for me). But then, if you read about most of the successful people (I don’t know about how you define success), they did give up on something to achieve something else. Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, Anna Wintour, pick a category and you will find names that actually gave up on ‘part a’ to achieve ‘part b’ of their lives. So is giving up really the answer for it all? 

My answer is, depends on the number of times we give up and what all are we actually giving up in the process of giving up one thing. The subtle art of giving up probably includes giving up things, acts and people that are bringing your speed and energy down. 

Give up on people who slow you down, give up on people who leave a negative impact in your life, give up on things that don’t matter to you and you are still dragging with them, give up on tasks that would never have a positive outcome on your life, give up on that extra hour of sleep if time is less and give up on this article if you are not enjoying it. 

Then my friend you have also achieved the subtle art of not giving a f*ck!

Here is a list of things I have given up in the past couple of years: 1. Corporate Finance: You already read about the reason in my other articles.  2. More Alcohol: Because it made my skin breakout and made me put on weight easily.  3. A lot of Sheesha: I was never a smoker, but a drag in the snowfall, wow! Almost reduced it to nill because it slowed me down on the treadmill.  4. Quit 2 Jobs midway: ‘Part b’ had better growth and learning curve.  5. Delhi: Its comfort slowed me down. 6. Two Friends: They didn’t respect my time and I didn’t like their energy.

What does your list look like? Or are you still busy giving a F*ck!

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